The Neuroscience of Intelligence
There is almost nothing more important to understand about people than intelligence. It can be measured more accurately than anything else in the social sciences. It differs tremendously and importantly between individuals. It is the single most important determinant of life success. It's very existence, however, remains subject to substantive debate, most of it highly politicized.
- Dialogues: Jordan B. Peterson
3-D Look at White Matter Fibers in the Brain
Richard has found that the density of gray and white matter in regions of the brain are related to differences in how people score on intelligence tests and other cognitive measures.
Tetris Changes the Brain
Richard discusses a study showing how playing the video game Tetris changes the brain during the “Spark of Genius? Awakening a Better Brain” program.
- World Science Festival
Seeing Intelligence at Work in the Brain
Richard talks about how intelligence research is moving beyond a reliance on psychometric methods to exploring new neuroscience approaches.
- Fermilab
Mystery of the Mind
Roundtable discussion featuring Richard, Gianfranco Basti, Ned Block, Joseph LeDoux, Patrick McGrath, and Craig Piers
- Philoctetes Center
Distinguished Contributor Interview
Richard was interviewed at the 2012 annual conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research, where he received the Distinguished Contributor Award.