R.J. Haier, K. Head, E. Head, and I.T. Lott (2008). NeuroImage, 39(3), 1324-1332.
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Intelligence, Creativity, Cognition | Learning/Tetris | Sex Differences | Consciousness | Personality
Possible Compensatory Events in Adult Down Syndrome Brain Prior to the Development of Alzheimer Disease Neuropathology: Targets for Non-Pharmacological Intervention (PDF)→
/E. Head, I.T. Lott, D. Patterson, E. Doran, and R.J. Haier (2007). Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Mar;11(1):61-76.
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/R.J. Haier, M.T. Alkire, N.S. White, M. Uncapher, I.T. Lott, E. Head, and C.W. Cotman (2003). Neurology, 61, 1673-1679.
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/R.J. Haier, D. Chueh, P. Touchette, I. Lott, D. MacMillan, C. Sandman, L. Lacasse, and E. Sosa (1995). Intelligence, 20:191-210.
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/N.S. White, M.T. Alkire, and R.J. Haier (2003). NeuroImage, 20(1), 393-403.
Read MoreParallel Compensatory and Pathological Events Associated with Tau Pathology in Middle Aged Individuals With Down Syndrome (PDF)→
/E. Head, I.T. Lott, P.R. Hof, J.H. Su, R. Kim, R.J. Haier, and C.W. Cotman (2003). Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 62 (9), 917-926.
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